Escape from the chateau

Sophie Duncan
7 min readMar 29, 2024
Beautiful valley of St Ferriol. Stonemason at work.

I hoped it might not come to selling the Chateau, after a regretably non-grown-up divorce the time came and here I’ll share the journey.

A la Dickens the end to this story is not yet known but it starts with a week in St Ferriol meeting various breeds of estate agent, and discovering a surprising difference between the questions and requirements from them. I learnt things which would be useful to anybody selling a house, but as ever there are particular things that apply to castles for better or for worse.

My husband and I made our home our relationship, not our relationship our home. It was always unthinkable to move on however maintaining a castle and running a business is not something to stumble into happlessly. It needs great cooperation and the typical nuclear family model wont work.

There is the enormity of maintenance even if the renovations are finished, and also labyrintine rules of Frecnh taxation and commercial compliance. France has a notriously business unfriendly taxation. French nationals with a huddle of interested relatives battle with it. A spouse alone cannot do this. Be real about it. If you are realistic plan within your abilities the work is hugely satisfying.

It is an opportunity to breathe life into a building intended to bring people together and they do. You will meet amazing scholars, inspiratioanl…



Sophie Duncan

I write about France, Oxford, dogs, love and more. Sign up for my newsletter today, find Beyond Paris - a Short Guide to Rural France on Amazon